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Dr. Smith recommends Bravecto or Nexgard.

Dogs should be on flea/tick prevention all year round! 

Typically no more than every 3 weeks, unless they have a medical skin condition.

Yes! This usually leads to ear infections, skin infections and itchy feet/bottoms. If you are concerned, please bring your dog in for an office visit. Dogs can cause a hot spot (a sore on their skin from itching) in about an hour.

This really depends on your dog. Some do great and others go nuts! Try a short road trip first, like to the mail box. Some pets can get car sick. Let us know what problems you are experiencing and we can help you with suggestions.

Age 5-6 months is perfect for most dogs.

Rabies Vaccine, Distemper\Lepto (4 different kinds), Parvo\hepatitis, possibly Kennel cough, and Influenza or the Rattle Snake Vaccine.